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Garagesale 6 8 – Create Outstanding Ebay Auctions

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Notebooks: write and organize 2 0 2. Now you want to become a seller and you want an eBay store but you need a minimum of a 10 positive feedback or higher. So you go on ebay with your new account and you buy what we call feedback fillers they are item such as e books how to guides for 1.00 or less and you get positive feedback every time this should be done over a few days do. To create your first listing, log into your eBay account. Click the 'sell' link in the top right-hand corner. This will take you to your Summary page. Once you're on this page, you will see a vertical navigation on the left side of your account. Click the blue 'Sell an Item' button. Ebay will guide you through the rest of the process.

Letters to the Editor
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Tue Aug 3 2010 16:21:23

By: Ina Steiner

AuctionBytes received the following letter in response to our article about individuals who sell active eBay accounts to suspended users, 'Active eBay Accounts for Sale - Only $299!' (link to article) and has in no way verified the information within. Note that eBay policy prohibits suspended users from opening new accounts.
To the Editor:
Follow these steps to the letter, and you will have no problems making a new eBay and paypal account once your are suspended.
You will need the following items:
1. a green dot prepaid visa or master debit card from Walgreens or any place you can get one. Load 20.00 on it,.this also provides you with a savings account to become eBay PayPal verified. NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION TO eBay or PayPal. do not ever become ID verified!!!!
2. go to Radio Shack and buy your self a Magic Jack, and chose a phone # from an area code other than the one you live in. You get a phone #, and voice mail for 1 year each additional year is 20.00.
3. You will need a post office box or a mailbox of some type for an address. Go to a UPS store, and they will forward your mail to your current address or you can pick it up.
4 You will need to make a new email account for each new eBay or PayPal account you make. go to yahoo or hotmail they are they good ones stay away from gmail ebay thinks that is where a lot of the Africa scamers come from.
5 Make your new PayPal and eBay account once you have all the above items.
6. now you want to become a seller and you want an eBay store but you need a minimum of a 10 positive feedback or higher. so you go on ebay with your new account and you buy what we call feedback fillers they are item such as e books how to guides for 1.00 or less and you get positive feedback every time this should be done over a few days do not do it all in one day.
Ok, now you have your eBay store, you have a verified PayPal and eBay account. You are ready to open your eBay store. You want to start out small, list only a few items that will sell.
Make sure you make the customer happy. Nickel and dime them to death, you are going to lose a bit in the new start up as a new seller, but later you will reap the benefits. Getting that first 100 feedback score is the hardest this is when eBay has all the limits on your account once your at 100 positive feedback unless you piss too many customers off you, will never get shut down and as long as you do not merge your suspended information with your new information you, will never get suspended.
Total cost to maker a new eBay and paypal account: $100.00 investment.
Name withheld

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Readers Comments

Garage Sale 6 8 – Create Outstanding Ebay Auctions Uk

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: Mixed Emotions

Tue Aug 3 16:47:07 2010

I'm almost speechless, and I have mixed feelings about this.
On one hand, it's good to know that an honest seller who's been shafted by eBay has the option to try and sell again.
On the other hand, it's kinda frightening to see how dishonest sellers (AND DISHONEST BUYERS TOO) have such an easy way to get right back in the game and continue their previous activities.

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: oh well

Tue Aug 3 17:28:13 2010

So much for the suspended seller. Ebay is a crap game.

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be


Tue Aug 3 17:37:12 2010

I hope this works for AMAZON as well. We have tried over 5 years to get back on the river.

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be


Tue Aug 3 18:08:56 2010

Hate for this info go get out, I have several accounts like this. Great way to get even with snotty sellers or the competition! Since ebay would not shut down a seller that was using shill bidders I shut her down my self..

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: Cowbell

Tue Aug 3 18:20:52 2010

It does work for Amazon. One extra caution:
Make sure your computer is absolutely 'clean.' No Amazon cookies of any kind, including Flash cookies.
Best use another computer entirely, but never a public one, and never one that's been used by any other Amazon seller.

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: Red Ink Diary
Web Site

Tue Aug 3 18:52:26 2010

As honest and experienced small sellers are no longer able to make a living on eBay I can't imagine why anyone except a crook would want to go through all that hassle to play on a dying venue.

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: colorful one
Web Site

Tue Aug 3 19:15:00 2010

Great tips. A way of staying anonymous without the stalking and harassment.

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: Frank

Tue Aug 3 19:52:22 2010

How come there is no mention of tracking through cookies or IP addresses? Even if you follow all those steps, ebay records info based on your computer and IP address when you log in. Even if you have a new account, they will see that you logged in from that same account that is now suspended and just suspend the new account. Someone correct me if I am wrong please..

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: derrick

Tue Aug 3 21:11:35 2010

Why does AB post stupid letters like this? If this is a way to get back won't be once someone from Ebay sees this.
Seriously Ina..are you trying to get setup to get caught or ?

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: Die scammers die

Tue Aug 3 22:04:57 2010

My, it's so nice to know that there are people like the OP out there to help fraudsters and scammers get back on sites like Amazon and eBay and continue stealing from people! Yippee!
I can't wait to buy something from one of these 'sellers' and lose my money! Woo hoo!

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: kw

Tue Aug 3 22:09:17 2010

It makes sense to me if you really, really want to get back on ebay. Ebay is no longer king so why not find another venue or start your own website? Seems to me you're throwing good money after bad to get back on a site that's going to be dead for most sellers in the near future anyway.

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: Philip Cohen

Tue Aug 3 22:21:18 2010

The free internet email providers such as yahoo, gmail, etc, show only a common IP address for everyone: the ISP's IP address (same as anyone using dial-up: their IP address is the ISP's IP address).
I understand that eBay will sometimes query the use of an account from another computer but this action is selective so I suspect that as far as individual computers are concerned it must be by an existing cookie only that eBay attempts to recognise the user, not by the motherboard serial number.
Who knows the real answer?
Financial institutions in Australia are required by statute to much more positively vet the identity of their users, almost as much detail is required as in obtaining a passport. How PayPal/eBay gets away with such pathetic verification processes I don't understand: maybe that is why the OP says 'Don't get verified'. And you would then have to ask, why is not such effective verification mandatory? After all, who is so afraid of verification, other than the scammers.
Then, as we all know, eBay are worried about scammers only in as much as they affect eBay's revenue; eBay could not care any less about anyone else.
Why does AB publish such matters? To force eBay to do something about it, naturally. Or does anyone think that the scammers aren't already aware of such matters?

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: Hi Derrick

Tue Aug 3 22:24:51 2010

Hi Derrick! I think the point is NOT to help scammers, but to embarrass eBay by revealing the obvious flaws in their 'methods' and the gaping holes in their 'security'.
While it's true that this isn't Woodward and Bernstein stuff, it can be an effective way of dealing with a lazy and myopic leviathan.
Things are not always as they appear to be at first glance. Ina is more thoughtful than your post gives her credit for being.

Garage sale 6 8 – create outstanding ebay auctions near me
Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: Mark Time

Wed Aug 4 00:03:33 2010

One day many years ago I created a second ebay account on a whim. i used a slightly different variation of my address and a different email addy.
When ebay decided I had to go permanently, I just started using the second ID. NO PROBLEM. I even went through ebay verified. Ebay had thrown me off because I just was not wonderful enough.
After a while I tried the old ebay name, IT WORKED again.
Depend on ebay being incompetent.

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: AC_in_Mich

Wed Aug 4 10:01:50 2010

If you are worried about IP tracking - simple software available readily on the Internet called 'Proxy server' will hide your Internet address.
And cookies can be cleaned.
Or Eaten

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: buck efay

Wed Aug 4 11:02:42 2010

Haha! I know one seller of bootlegs that has had over 50 accounts on Ebay! Everytime he gets tossed, he just starts over again. Ebay is too stupid(or greedy for Fees from bad sellers & counterfeits) to ever link credit cards by name, he just keeps using different cards in the same name from same town at a different computer in a library to start account after account!
Of course, since ebay profits from his fraud, they have no desire to completely put him out of business;)

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: Tired

Wed Aug 4 13:57:42 2010

everyone knows eBay does not have their house in order.. Why should this surprise anyone at all..
And honestly who gives a S#!T

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: Ebay Pays My Bills Auctionbytes Number One Fanatic

Wed Aug 4 17:40:44 2010

Ebay Pays My Bills said ebay_value
Set Up Bogus Ebay Accounts per Auctionbytes
Auctionbytes now gives step by step instructions on how to be an EBAY CRIMINAL!
What's next Ina? ? ?
Bomb making for boys of Boston. . . ebay_value
Lifes been real hard the past year and the last month has been a disaster!
I'm trying to fire sale the house and the old pickup is going on Ebay
Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be Done

Garage Sale 6 8 – Create Outstanding Ebay Auctions Online

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: Mark Time

Wed Aug 4 00:03:33 2010

One day many years ago I created a second ebay account on a whim. i used a slightly different variation of my address and a different email addy.
When ebay decided I had to go permanently, I just started using the second ID. NO PROBLEM. I even went through ebay verified. Ebay had thrown me off because I just was not wonderful enough.
After a while I tried the old ebay name, IT WORKED again.
Depend on ebay being incompetent.

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: AC_in_Mich

Wed Aug 4 10:01:50 2010

If you are worried about IP tracking - simple software available readily on the Internet called 'Proxy server' will hide your Internet address.
And cookies can be cleaned.
Or Eaten

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: buck efay

Wed Aug 4 11:02:42 2010

Haha! I know one seller of bootlegs that has had over 50 accounts on Ebay! Everytime he gets tossed, he just starts over again. Ebay is too stupid(or greedy for Fees from bad sellers & counterfeits) to ever link credit cards by name, he just keeps using different cards in the same name from same town at a different computer in a library to start account after account!
Of course, since ebay profits from his fraud, they have no desire to completely put him out of business;)

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: Tired

Wed Aug 4 13:57:42 2010

everyone knows eBay does not have their house in order.. Why should this surprise anyone at all..
And honestly who gives a S#!T

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: Ebay Pays My Bills Auctionbytes Number One Fanatic

Wed Aug 4 17:40:44 2010

Ebay Pays My Bills said ebay_value
Set Up Bogus Ebay Accounts per Auctionbytes
Auctionbytes now gives step by step instructions on how to be an EBAY CRIMINAL!
What's next Ina? ? ?
Bomb making for boys of Boston. . . ebay_value
Lifes been real hard the past year and the last month has been a disaster!
I'm trying to fire sale the house and the old pickup is going on Ebay
Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be Done

Garage Sale 6 8 – Create Outstanding Ebay Auctions Online

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: Lisa

Wed Aug 4 20:37:24 2010

'How come there is no mention of tracking through cookies or IP addresses? Even if you follow all those steps, ebay records info based on your computer and IP address when you log in'
No they don't. Too many DSL and cable customers on the same IP address and AOL uses pools with the same. The only way to get hosed is to have a static IP address. And seriously, it's ludicrous to think that eBay employs anybody to sit around comparing IP addresses against those of suspended sellers. They don't. eBay only asks that you provide honest information. They won't verify it unless someone complains so some of those steps above are totally unnecessary. The addresses aren't checked because of the likelihood that this could be an apartment complex. So using the same address won't raise a red flag. Make up any name you like and if you only plan to sell, make up any address you want with any zip code you want. The only mail I've ever gotten from eBay was a catalog. I've never gotten a phone call. If you have a domain, you usually have a ton of emails to choose from. And unless you mess up, you don't need to list a real phone number either. You just need that pre-paid VISA and bank account. You can open a savings account online with any online bank and use that.
This isn't news. Suspended sellers who are usually suspended for not paying their eBay fees have been doing this for years. And I've been telling ebay about it for years pointing to auctions of the suspended seller and their new listings (with the same pictures, same payment acceptance policies, same third party auction software) and eBay responds that there is insufficient evidence to sustain my allegations. eBay wants to make money and they're willing to look the other way when a suspended seller or any member re-registers. It's against eBay rules but so are a lot of things. If you make money for eBay, you're welcome on eBay.

Creating New eBay Accounts after Suspension Can Be

by: me763485

Thu Aug 5 01:53:42 2010

If ebay was to verify everyone and implement common sense limits on the amounts of accounts anyone could have, their membership numbers would shrivel by 50% or more.
Bottom line is that it is not a safe or trustworthy platform. There is no way of telling who you are dealing with. Even PP admits that in their user agreement.
Everything else is fake, why should the very membership be any different?
I'm not sure how posting this letter compares to 'bomb making'. That must have been a typo for 'bong' LOL

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Protect yourself from gift card scams

To make sure your eBay Gift Card codes are safe from scammers, follow these tips:

Garage Sale 6 8 – Create Outstanding Ebay Auctions Near Me

Treat your eBay Gift Card redemption code like cash.

  • Never give or send your eBay Gift Card code to anyone outside of checkout. That's a scam.
  • Your eBay Gift Card can only be redeemed at checkout on
  • Do not use your gift card to pay anyone outside of the eBay platform.

Go to or to learn more about gift card scams.

We will never ask you to email your personal information. Remember, if eBay needs you to update your account or provide any information, we always send a copy of our request to your Messages folder in My eBay. Pixelmator android. Always check there first.

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